Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Week 4 - Kehinde Wiley and inter-textuality

1. Find a clear definition of Intertextuality and quote it accurately on your blog using the APA referencing system. Use your own words to explain the definition more thoroughly. 

"Intertextuality is the process whereby one text plays upon other texts, the ways in which texts refer endlessly to further elements within the realm of cultural production (Barthes, 1977).

"From within a framework of postmodern social theory, an interest in writing and intertextuality rejects distinctions between " real" and representation" (Stanley and Morgan, 1993; 3).
Intertextuality is many text entwined within one text. Its a way of incorporating  a numerous amount of text within one piece of writing. Its a great way of capturing a range of information from a number of sources into one text.

Kehinde Wiley, The Chancellor Seguier on Horseback, 2005; oil on canvas; 108 x 144 inches

2. Research Wiley's work and write a paragraph that analyzes how we might make sense of his work. Identify intertextuality in Wiley's work. 

Kehinde Wiley uses a combonation of different styles to create his unique, detailed paintings. He collaborates bold, symbolic imagery, intense colours with complex backgrounds to create these strong pieces of art.  

"Wiley creates a fusion of period styles, ranging from French rococo, Islamic architecture and West African textile design to urban hip–hop and the "Sea Foam Green" of a Martha Stewart Interiors color swatch".

His reoccurring subject matter of heroic, tonned black men, creates a new approach to traditional portraiture. His work contrasts the norm, intertextuality is present with the range of techniques and merging of styles.
"The subjects and stylistic references for his paintings are juxtaposed inversions of each other, forcing ambiguity and provocative perplexity to pervade his imagery".

The symbolic imagery and mixed styles intertwine a number of different issues inspired by the range of eras the art world has explored over time.    

3. Wiley's work relates to next weeks Postmodern theme "PLURALISM" . Read page 46 and discuss how the work relates to this theme.

Wiley's work firstly relates in the sense that he goes against the commonly seen portraits. On the majority art history books would only contain accepted portraits of europeans by european male artists. Wiley is the complete opposite of this, being an African-American and so is his work, as he uses African-American subjects. He is accepted in the art world now for his culture and his work, where in the modernist era he would have been ignored. This is an example of Pluralism.

4. Comment on how Wiley's work raises questions around social/cultural hierarchies , colonisation, globalisation, stereotypes and the politics which govern a western worldview. 

Wiley uses inspiration from european portraiture and idealized mythology paintings which were painted in a way to make the subjects appear dominant and superior. Wiley has also used this approach with his subjects to give them a important presence.  Instead of the once accepted european subject matter, he uses black males.
 "Part of Wiley's process was lifting his subjects straight from the street and rendering them-complete with sneakers, track pants, tank tops, and team caps-in the visual language of classic European portraiture". (M.I.A, Interview Magazine)
This technique symbolizes many global issues such as the western hierarchy which would have once been disgusted to see a black male painted in such a way as they were seen as the in superior. Globalization is present in these works as the Black prejudice way of thinking is on the majority no longer present. For example, America currently having a black president. I am not saying racism is no longer an issue, its just more globally acknowledged that we are all equal regardless of our ethnicity. These paintings very much touch on the idea of colonisation. Our changing world continuously is becoming more diverse as cultures mix. Shown in these pieces by a black males wearing european clothing.

Three Graces
Kehinde Wiley, 2005
Oil and enamel on canvas
182.9 x 423.8 cm (72 x 96 in)

5. Add some reflective comments of your own, which may add more information that
you have read during your research.

I found Kehinde Wiley's work to be extremely unique as you don't see many, if any paintings with coloured subjects let alone painted in this classical style. Also Wiley being African-American famous artist is uncommon. 
"What remains so surprising about these works today is that the 31-year-old Los Angeles native's black males remain a rarity in the fine-art world, despite their prevalence, even dominance in pop culture".

Triple Portrait of Charles I
Kehinde Wiley, 2007
Oil and enamel on three canvases
Three stretchers each measuring: 182.9 x 91.4 cm (72 x 36 in)


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