Sunday, 28 August 2011

WEEK -2 Post-Modernism, Ai Weiwei and Banksy

1. Define Post-Modernism using 8-10 bullet points that include short quotes.

  • Post modernism was an era that marked the end of modernism. "if Modernism is at an end, we are now facing a new period. The name given this new period is Postmodernism". (Witcombe,2000)
  • People became fascinated with 'pop culture' throughout the Post-modernism era. This influenced artists and what was popular. "Many artists turned with visible distress to the present and focused their attention on contemporary popular culture". (Witcombe,2000)
  • Post-modernisim was less structured with a more relaxed approach then the era of Modernism. "Postmodernism is associated with relativism. Relativism is the idea that 'anything goes' ". (Andreas Saugstad 2001) 
  • During post modernism people such as Nietzsche explored the philosophy of reality, what is it, what makes reality and how it is effected by social constructivism. "Reality is created by social reality. But the main idea is that there is no objective knowledge or absolute representation of reality. Many of our concepts and catigories are based on the social reality, and not because we can represent physical reality". (Saugstad, A. 2001 )
  • Post-modernism is a controversial subject as it has been discussed amongst a vast variety of fields, leading people to develop different ideas to what it means.  "Different Post-modernism thinkers may have different opinions, and people from different fields may have somewhat different definitions of Postmodernism". (Saugstad, A. 2001)
  • Post-modernism has been proven hard to specifically pin point. "Postmodernism is not easy to define. The term is used in philosophy, literature, social sciences and architecture" (Saugstad, A. 2001)
  • Postmodernists also explored the idea that we do not control nature, which has been believed in the past. "Nature does actually precede culture,not the other way around". (Saugstad, A. 2001)
  • There are cons that came from the postmodernists way of thinking. "Some postmodernists do not seem to take logical reasoning seriously, and instead of listening to reason and arguments, they may tend to focus on relativism and constructivism " (Saugstad, A. 2001)

2. Use a quote by Witcombe (2000) to define the Post-Modern artist.
The post-modern artist is "reflexive" in that he/she is self-aware and consciously involved in a process of thinking him/herself and society in a deconstructive manner, "demasking" pretensions, becoming aware of his/her cultural self in history and accelerating the process of self-consciousness.   

3. Use the grid on pages 42 and 43 to summarize the list of the features of Post-
Throughout Post-modernism people became focused towards pop culture and became used to simulation and real-time media substituting for the real. Fascinated by what was on the likes of "MTV" the "As seen on TV" became more powerful than unmediated experiences. Art was focused on the process, performance, production and interextuality. Art was also used as a way to recycle culture, authenticated by the audience. 
4. Use this summary to answer the next two questions.

5. Research Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's 'Han Dynasty Urn with Coca-Cola logo'(1994)
in order to say what features of the work are Post-Modern.

Ai Weiwei, Dynasty Urn with Coca-Cola logo'(1994)

The pop culture inspiration is very present with this piece by Ai Weiwei, which is very much post-modern . Incorperating the Coca-Cola logo to something rustic and crafted like this urn causes his art to relate to a wider audience due to Cokes globalization and popularity.   "Influenced by Dada, Duchamp and Warhol, he has created playful, inventive and often absurd art works"
Ai Weiwei work, such as this urn causes controversy as in this case he uses a valuable urn and paints something as common and materialistic as the coca cola logo. This was his way of  incorporating pop culture to this post-modern piece. Some see this as art, some see this as degrading a special object. 

"What’s most horrifying is how much it rings true. It’s no different than selling cultural treasures as trinkets and doorstops, or installing a coffee shop into the Forbidden City, especially when doing it to your own."

"Instead of writing “R. Mutt” on a urinal, as Duchamp did, Ai paints the Coca-Cola logo onto yet another priceless Han Dynasty urn. Ai’s prodigious output runs the gamut from shock art, sculpture, film, editing, writing, photography, furniture making to architecture on the grandest of scales"

Post-modernists believe science is understood as "interpretations of phenomena"  this can be altered by "perceptions, subjectivity, culture and politics". Scientists disagree with this theory.  As a post modern artist Ai Weiwei uses culture and materials to explore the surrounding world, stating "that he does this not for the sake of producing art, but to seek enlightenment for himself which, to him, is the same as expressing his creativity."

6. Research British artist Banksy's street art, and analyze the following two works by the artist
to discuss how each work can be defined at Post-Modern.(Use your list from point 6.)

Flower Riot, Banksy
In this piece Bansky has taken an image that is from a negative riot setting and replaced what the rioter is holding (typically an explosive) with a colourful bouquet of flowers. The colour used for the flowers contrasts the black and white image of the rioter. Banksy uses current affairs and controversial issues, for his works and alters them to cause the audience to step back and think about the world and what is happening in these situations. This shows Banskys post-modern approach and how effective it can be.

Los Angeles (2008), Banksy
Bansky has become famous with his controversial street art that adapts to the surroundings on the buildings using bold, quirky and effective subject matter. In this work he has taken something as global as the western burger and fries and played around with the idea of evolution. Using the image of a cave man to contrast the way we live now compared to how the world used to be. Together the cave man holding his combo look so awkward, maybe this is Banskys way of saying nature didn't intend us to eat burgers and fries like we do so commonly now. The way the artist collaborates these common images and issues makes his work very post modern. 


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